X-ray diffraction data for the 1.45 Angstrom Crystal Structure of Shikimate 5-dehydrogenase from Listeria monocytogenes in Complex with Shikimate and NAD.
X-ray diffraction data for the 2.0 Angstrom Crystal Structure of Superantigen-like Protein from Staphylococcus aureus in Complex with 3-N-Acetylneuraminyl-N-acetyllactosamine.
X-ray diffraction data for the Structural flexibility in region involved in dimer formation of nuclease domain of Ribonuclase III (rnc) from Campylobacter jejuni
X-ray diffraction data for the 1.75 Angstrom resolution crystal structure of a putative NTP pyrophosphohydrolase (yfaO) from Salmonella typhimurium LT2
X-ray diffraction data for the 2.20 Angstrom resolution crystal structure of protein YE0340 of unidentified function from Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081]