Diffraction project datasets apc109398_147_4OPF

  • Method: SAD
  • Resolution: 2.12 Å
  • Space group: P 43 3 2
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Project details

Title Beta-ketoacyl synthase domain (6118-6552) of polyketide synthase from Streptomyces albus
Authors Osipiuk, J., Bigelow, L., Endres, M., Babnigg, G., Bingman, C.A., Yennamalli, R., Lohman, J., Ma, M., Shen, B., Phillips Jr., G.N., Joachimiak, A., Midwest Center for Structural Genomics (MCSG), Enzyme Discovery for Natural Product Biosynthesis (NatPro)
R / Rfree 0.16 / 0.18
Unit cell edges [Å] 145.92 x 145.92 x 145.92
Unit cell angles [°] 90.0, 90.0, 90.0

Dataset p6_c2.####.img details

Number of frames 90 (1 - 90)
Distance [mm] 318.5
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Phi [°] -30.0
Wavelength [Å] 0.97915
Equipment 19-ID at APS (Advanced Photon Source)