Diffraction project datasets IDP91764_4e5s

Project details

Title Crystal structure of MccFlike protein (BA_5613) from Bacillus anthracis str. Ames
Authors Nocek, B., Tikhonov, A., Severinov, K., Anderson, W.F., Joachimiak, A.
R / Rfree 0.15 / 0.20
Unit cell edges [Å] 74.58 x 85.80 x 125.15
Unit cell angles [°] 90.0, 92.0, 90.0

Dataset xtal-1.####.img details

Number of frames 200 (1 - 200)
Distance [mm] 256.4
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Omega [°] -100.0
Kappa / Chi [°] -0.0003
Phi [°] -0.0176
Wavelength [Å] 0.97931
Experiment Date 2012-02-09
Equipment 19-ID at APS (Advanced Photon Source)

Dataset xtal-1-inf.####.img details

Number of frames 183 (1 - 183)
Distance [mm] 256.7
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Omega [°] -100.0
Kappa / Chi [°] -0.0003
Phi [°] -0.0176
Wavelength [Å] 0.97949
Experiment Date 2012-02-09
Equipment 19-ID at APS (Advanced Photon Source)