Diffraction project datasets IDP04370_6all

Project details

Title Crystal structure of a predicted ferric/iron (III) hydroxymate siderophore substrate binding protein from Bacillus anthracis
Authors Stogios, P.J.
R / Rfree 0.24 / 0.29
Unit cell edges [Å] 125.50 x 125.50 x 60.26
Unit cell angles [°] 90.0, 90.0, 120.0

Dataset IDP04370-1_1_2_1.### details

Number of frames 225 (1 - 225)
Distance [mm] 330.0
Oscillation width [°] 0.60
Phi [°] 20.0
Wavelength [Å] 0.97856
Experiment Date 2017-06-22
Equipment 21-ID-G at APS (Advanced Photon Source)