Diffraction project datasets IDP01304_4it5

Project details

Title Chaperone HscB from Vibrio cholerae
Authors Osipiuk, J., Gu, M., Papazisi, L., Anderson, W.F., Joachimiak, A., Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases (CSGID)
R / Rfree 0.22 / 0.26
Unit cell edges [Å] 55.43 x 100.71 x 70.35
Unit cell angles [°] 90.0, 90.5, 90.0

Dataset IDP01304_3hho.####.img details

Number of frames 240 (1 - 240)
Distance [mm] 292.1
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Omega [°] -120.0
Kappa / Chi [°] 0.0003
Phi [°] -0.007
Wavelength [Å] 0.97940
Experiment Date 2009-03-29
Equipment 19-ID at APS (Advanced Photon Source)

Dataset IDP01304_3hho.####.img details

Number of frames 240 (501 - 740)
Distance [mm] 292.1
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Omega [°] -120.0
Kappa / Chi [°] 0.0003
Phi [°] 179.9907
Wavelength [Å] 0.97940
Experiment Date 2009-03-29
Equipment 19-ID at APS (Advanced Photon Source)

Dataset IDP01304_3hho.####.img details

Number of frames 240 (1001 - 1240)
Distance [mm] 429.6
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Omega [°] -120.0
Kappa / Chi [°] 0.0003
Phi [°] 179.9907
Wavelength [Å] 0.97940
Experiment Date 2009-03-29
Equipment 19-ID at APS (Advanced Photon Source)