Diffraction project datasets 8u0i

Project details

Title Crystal structure of PA0012 complexed with cyclic-di-GMP from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Authors Hammons, N.A., Schnicker, N.J., Fuentes, E.J.
R / Rfree 0.17 / 0.21
Unit cell edges [Å] 50.32 x 50.32 x 90.60
Unit cell angles [°] 90.0, 90.0, 90.0

Dataset dI-2-05a_3_#####.cbf details

Number of frames 69 (1 - 69)
Distance [mm] 200.0
Oscillation width [°] 0.25
Omega [°] 271.64
Wavelength [Å] 1.00002
Equipment 8.2.1 at ALS (Advanced Light Source)

Dataset dI-2-05a_4_#####.cbf details

Number of frames 720 (1 - 720)
Distance [mm] 160.0
Oscillation width [°] 0.25
Omega [°] 296.64
Wavelength [Å] 1.00004
Equipment 8.2.1 at ALS (Advanced Light Source)

Dataset dI-2-05b_5_#####.cbf details

Number of frames 720 (1 - 720)
Distance [mm] 160.0
Oscillation width [°] 0.25
Omega [°] 386.68
Wavelength [Å] 1.00003
Equipment 8.2.1 at ALS (Advanced Light Source)

Dataset dI-2-05c_6_#####.cbf details

Number of frames 720 (1 - 720)
Distance [mm] 160.0
Oscillation width [°] 0.25
Omega [°] 476.72
Wavelength [Å] 1.00004
Equipment 8.2.1 at ALS (Advanced Light Source)