Diffraction project datasets 8sj9

Project details

Title Crystal structure of the H1 hemagglutinin COBRA X6
Authors Dzimianski, J.V., DuBois, R.M.
R / Rfree 0.22 / 0.28
Unit cell edges [Å] 68.50 x 218.73 x 68.57
Unit cell angles [°] 90.0, 109.7, 90.0

Dataset D4_1_2_#####.cbf details

Number of frames 720 (1 - 720)
Distance [mm] 600.0
Oscillation width [°] 0.50
Wavelength [Å] 1.03322
Experiment Date 2021-06-30
Equipment 23-ID-D at APS (Advanced Photon Source)