Diffraction project datasets 7thb

Project details

Title Crystal structure of an RNA-5'/DNA-3' strand exchange junction
Authors Cofsky, J.C., Knott, G.J., Gee, C.L., Doudna, J.A.
R / Rfree 0.24 / 0.28
Unit cell edges [Å] 37.03 x 43.59 x 52.18
Unit cell angles [°] 92.1, 103.7, 100.0

Dataset CPS1741_p04_1_#####.cbf details

Number of frames 6000 (1 - 6000)
Distance [mm] 250.0
Oscillation width [°] 0.10
Omega [°] 225.0
Phi [°] 225.0
Wavelength [Å] 1.11581
Experiment Date 2020-12-17
Equipment 8.3.1 at ALS (Advanced Light Source)