Diffraction project datasets 5uto

Project details

Title The crystal structure of the Staphylococcus aureus Fatty acid Kinase (Fak) B1 protein loaded with palmitic acid to 1.83 Angstrom resolution
Authors Cuypers, M.G., Ericson, M., Subramanian, C., Broussard, T.C., Miller, D.J., White, S.W., Rock, C.O.
R / Rfree 0.16 / 0.19
Unit cell edges [Å] 33.19 x 54.29 x 84.40
Unit cell angles [°] 105.2, 90.0, 107.5

Dataset SJH-7_Pn9_2015_3_18_r1_1.#### details

Number of frames 400 (1 - 400)
Distance [mm] 178.0
Oscillation width [°] 0.70
Omega [°] 180.0
Wavelength [Å] 1.00000
Experiment Date 2015-03-18
Equipment 22-ID at APS (Advanced Photon Source)